Making a Volcanic Planet
I think everyone who plays dwarf fortress loves getting a volcano or two; but, what about thousands?
With these settings dwarf fortress 2014 will not reject your 6000 volcano proto-world.
FIRST Steps to Success!
1. Import the World_init.txt file in Data>Init
2. Select the size of world you're creating
3. Create a name "Volcano129x129" and hit ENTER
* If you save your name after you select settings it will not save everything correctly
4. Checkbox on Volcanism and Elevation, you need both
5. Create an elevation map you like
6. Remember the % of water
7. Calculate the number of zones on your map:
8. Determine the number of squares you want volcanos on:
I want 39% Volcanos
Decoding Volcanism Maps:
2. Click Create Elevation Cusp Map.
Colour Legend:
- SALMON/ORANGE: Mountain with volcano
- BLACK/GREY: Land with igneous rock, obsidian, granite, gneiss etc.
- BEIGE: Land with low volcanism, possibly metamorphic rock
- GREEN: Land with no volcanism.
- All land can have sand/clay and fairly deep soil, even with a volcano in the square.
- CYAN: Water with zero volcanism
- BLUE: Water with igneous rock
- PURPLE: Water where volcanos can spawn.
Getting these settings:
First get an elevation model you like, then add it to your volcanism tab by clicking "Generate Elevation Cusp Map" as described above.Second on the top of the tab, at the first slider, set your "Percent Below Zero Volcanism" to the same level you have your water percentage at, i.e. if you set your elevation models water to 20% set your first volcanism slider to 20%. This first slider changes what percent will be green vs. beige/black/red. No point having a volcano in the water unless you want a no tree volcano island.
Third, at the top of the tap, at the second slider, set your "Percent Below Igneous Extrusive Threshold" , and the third slider "Percent Below Volcano Threshold" to your water level or just above it.
Fourth set your elevation cusps to max and min respectively.
Finish Up:
- At this point click File>Export WorldGen Settings
- Run Dwarf Fortress under advanced gen settings
- Select Volcano129x129 or whatever you named your preset.
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